Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

All of us at the Chronciles near
Hope you have a great thanksgiving this year
So we came up with a holiday ballad
So read whille you feast on turkey and mallard
Give thanks this time
And happy you'll be
If you count your blessings
You could be a good poet like me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Commander Annie

The rained poured down on the colonial house. Not many by passers would’ve guessed that the small building housed 9 people. The liquid dripped through the shifty roof and landed on Annie’s head. She awakened startled.

Annie wasn’t old, though she had been married once, and her husband had sadly died. She had lived with her brother, his wife, and the children for a year now. She looked around the bedroom, everyone was asleep, expect for poor Johnny, she thought sighing. He was away at battle.

Her brother was one of the few soldiers who got paid to fight, and still the family could not get end’s meat. Jonathan was high in rank in the army now, she thought proudly.

She remembered the errand she had to run and got dressed quickly, putting on the garments so she could go into town. First the shift, the stay, the hoops and stockings, then the bodice, stomacher, and petticoat, finally the gown, cap, and shoes. She added her mother’s jewelry and wa la, she was done.

When Annie came back Bess was up and cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Bess, her brother’s wife, was fair with wispy golden hair. She too had gotten dressed and was waking the children.

“Eleanor!” she yelled to the upstairs, “Hannah, Elizabeth, George, Charles, Nicholas!” She stirred some porridge in a pot for a few minutes until calling again, “Children, breakfast!” With the last call 6 fully dressed children ran down the steps and greeted their mother. “Hello Mum!” they greeted smiling, “Hello Aunty Ann!”

Annie smiled at her nieces and nephews. To her they were like her own children, and she new each and every one of them down to the bone.

Hannah and Eleanor helped their mother with breakfast, and Annie set the table as the other family members sat down in their seats. As she drank her milk and ate the porridge, Annie couldn’t be happy. She missed her older brother so much. She new Bess and the kids did too.

There was a knock on the door and Nicholas answered to find a very weary Jonathan Underhill.

“Father!” he grinned, and leaned back into the kitchen, “Its father guys!” Annie ran out to great and scolded playfully, “Jonathan Underhill, you’ve been gone longer than there’s been a king in England!” He looked up, his dusty brown hair covered by his hat. “Thankee Annie, Its nice t’ see you too!” As he greeted his wife and children, his brown eyes gleamed jollily.
“Annie” he whispered when they were walking back to the kitchen, “I need to speak t’ you privately.”

After some porridge, he took Annie upstairs as Bess and the children cleaned up. “Ann.” He said looking nervously at her face, “I’ feels awful Annie awful. I must have picked something up at battle, but I have to go out next week and I don’t think I’m healthy enough! “

“John!” Annie said, looking shocked by the information.

“And, I was wondering if you could go for me Ann.” Before she could open her mouth in protest, he spoke again, “Please Ann, please. If I don’t go, I’ll lose my job, how will I explain that to Bess and the kids?”

The look on his face was too sad to describe. Annie shook her head, knowing that except for her long hair, she looked exactly like the older twin.

Jonathan spent the next few days getting Annie ready, showing her battle plans and strategies, and Annie spent all her time getting a costume to fit properly.

When the day finally came for Annie to leave, John was sick in his bed with Bess and 6 children watching over him. They were too busy to notice her slip into her costume and tiptoe out of the house.

She arrived at her destination, and smiled. These clothes were kind of nice; they also were less hot than her layers of petticoats. She was nervous to though, her husband, poor Jacob had died in one of these expeditions. She shuddered thinking about the poor man.

Her hair was tucked beneath the hat, and cut short as any respectable woman would allow it. She stood with her gun and walked through the camp, and surveyed the soldier’s style of walking, talking, eating, and just plain living. Annie Underhill was a quick learner and soon new how to be a perfect John.

One of the head men called her into his tent and discussed battle ideas. “What do you think Jonathan?” the pug faced General asked snarling. “Well, well,” Annie said remembering Jonathan’s plans, “I think that we should start by the west and…”
“Wait a minute!” Ann thought suddenly, she realized a setback in her brother’s plan. So, like the stubborn woman she was, Annie spoke her idea…”I’ve gone through every way of attack sir.” She said smiling, “And this one’s the best…”

Annie turned around, barely missing getting hit by a bullet. In the heat of the battle, Annie had lost her mind in fright. The young girl had seen many men die, and many men press on, but at the end, they won.. It wasn’t a big victory, so it isn’t one you’ll hear about, but “Jonathan Underhill’s plans had, saved many lives.” The newspaper said, with the big title Blow to The British at the top.

When the pug faced general stopped by the house to see John her smiled at Annie. “Your brother’s a real hero my gal!” he said.

When he found out from a confused Bess that, “My husband’s sick and, he’s been in bed.” The general looked worried. “No wonder he sounded so strange yesterday.” He said frowning. But he stared at Annie on his way out and glimmer came into his eye. He winked to her, and went out the door.

The very next day it seems, John was out of bed, astounding the physicians who said the illness takes weeks to heal.
Annie swirled around the kitchen in her petticoats. She was back to kitchen duty, children duty, and errand duty. But the girl would never forget her day of freedom, the day “Jonathan Underhill” became a hero.


"Hi, I'm webster, one of the mascots and helpful bugs here at the Chronicles, I live on Caitlin's window and help her with spelling and grammar. Soon audio blogger will come here, and you'll be able to hear me and Belle the butterfly! (Belle lives on the blog and helps Cait with ideas and graphics. So look forward to hearing our voices, and we'll be looking forward to excited ears and eyes!"

Saturday, October 08, 2005


We were reading Emily Dickinson's poem "Nobody" in class and I made up a witty sentence.
It's for all the people who think they are nobodys.

"You're not a nobody until the somebody inside you gives up." -Caitlin Summers

Sunday, September 18, 2005


I think there's a dead spider outside my window. It's been in the same spot for months. It's getting really creepy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

^ Note From The Author

When I read my story your'e going to laugh so hard you'll cry. Actually, you won't believe a word of it to be exact.

Well to start of big, I'm a shoe. Yes, I know what your'e thinking, get a life. But actually I am. A very smart shoe that is. You see, when me and my billions of brothers and sisters were manufctured, something went wrong. We don't look any diffrent. But those shoe guys had created the first genius shoe line.

Now, you stupid humans don't know it, but we objects have a laungage to our own. Now if I may guess what your'e thinking again? Let's see, how bout' "I all objects can talk, how are you a genius shoe?" Well Here's my answer. I can write and read human! I can move on my own! How do think I'm writing this, on the end of my owner's foot!

So, as I was saying, we objects have a laungage of our own. We can talk to each other, but we can't talk to you. And you can't talk to us. All we objects want is to be used. Shoes like to be run and walked in. Chairs like to be in, and books like to be read. A object is sad, and lonley if it's stuffed in a closet all day long. We also have a big sense of pride. I once new a shoe who's ansestors had all been worn by dukes and duchhess. And then he got bought by a thief. Do you know what kind of shame that brings to your poor shoes! We like to worn out by decent people, and that goes for all the objects.

Now, there is only one kind of person on the earth who understands us. The Native Americans. They know our laungauge and use us to the bone. Any shoe would be hounoured to be worn by one.

So when you finish my story, think about if you don't use some you your things, and give them away to people who really will.-Jewel

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Movie Review For The Fantastic Four

Even though it may look a bit violent in commercials, the fantastic four is good for kids too. My sister who is nine and can't normally see pg-13 movies saw this one and never had to cover her eyes. As for curse words, I can't remember any real bad ones. Actually, I thought this movie was more like a PG than pg-13 myself. As for the movie rating, I say it was enjoyable, but not the best super hero movie I'd ever seen. Spiderman and Spiderman 2 are much better, but of course they are more intense.

The Update

Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while, I've been kind of busy. My mom went to visit my grandfather last week, when he had his surgery. It turned out ok, but he's still recovering. While mom was gone, my dad took us to see The Fantastic Four and Sky High. We also went to the amusement park and rented Grease, Are we there yet, Get A Clue, and Caddyshack. I also started working on my website template. In other news, since I started a resolution to eat healthier and get more exercise, I've been going on the treadmill for 1 hour a day and balancing my food groups.

Well, I hope you have a great end of the summer,

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The horrible news

When I got back from shopping yeaterday, my mom recieved some bad news on the phone. My grandfather had had a heartattack and needed surgery. Me and my sister are just glad he's ok. I got to talk to him this morning, and he sounded fine. God bless you BB.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Haunted Carousel

This is chapter one of my new story, the Haunted Carousel:

Chapter 1: Silent Springs

As the crowded mini-van pulled into the driveway, Lindsay Brewer looked up excitedly. Finally they were there! Lindsay and her family had booked a vacation house at scenic and peaceful Silent Springs. Luckily; Lindsay was able to convince her parents to let her two best friends come, Karen McCUE and Brianna Mullins. The girls picked up their bags and ran to the front door. Quickly using the key, Lindsay opened the door and ran inside.

All the three girls could say was, “WOW.” And wow was right! The house was a prehistoric mansion! A time machine! They just stood there, mouths agape until a young woman sitting on a Victorian styled couch noticed they were there.

“You must be the Brewer girls.” She said smiling. The girls looked up, suddenly awakened from a trance.

“Uhh, umm, I’m Lindsay Brewer and these are my two best friends, Brianna and Karen. Uhh, did my parents know the -umm-house was like this?”

“Of course we did!” Lindsay’s father shouted merrily. “It was your special surprise!”
Mr. Brewer was laden with luggage as he stumbled to make it into the house. Mrs. Brewer walked daintily up to the front steps and smiled. “How do you like it honey?”

"It's great Mom!" Lindsay said joyfully.

"Yeah Mrs. Brewer!" Brianna said smiling, "How much did this place cost to rent?"

Mrs. Brewer didn't have to answer. Karen and Lindsay had pulled Brianna away from the parlor and off to explore the rest of the house.

The lady Lindsay had been talking to walked up and introduced herself, “I’m Sheryl Wellbanker, the owner of this house. Would you like a quick tour?”

So as the remaining three members of the party went on a house tour, the three girls explored the house. By dinnertime Lindsay, Brianna and Karen had seen the whole house and also found the perfect room to sleep in.

Chapter 2: The Carousel

Lindsay and her friends were bunking in the oldest room in the house, otherwise called the wizard’s tower for reasons unknown. Wizard’s Tower was filled with all sorts of interesting objects, like dolls and hats from other countries, gems, and all sorts of old mystical junk. On one of the walls was a portrait of Wally “Wiz” Wellbanker A huge mirror and dresser set filled up one wall, and a large couch and fireplace on the other. Then there was a skyscraper high bookcase. The Girls laid their sleeping bags out on an enormous canopy bed with a forest green comforter. But the strangest item of all was a mini carousel, hand carved by Mr. Wally Wellbanker. If you wound it up it’d spin around and play a haunting little melody. After a dinner feast in the old-fashioned kitchen, the best friends headed to bed. Just as they had gotten all cozy in their sleeping bags, Lindsay remembered something. She had left her book in the car! Lindsay read every night before bed, and she couldn’t sleep without some words in her brain, so she and Karen decided to go the car and get it. Brianna, who was already asleep and snoring, stayed behind.

A few minutes later, when Karen and Lindsay had officially retrieved the book Sherlock Holmes, they headed back to the tower. But as Lindsay walked down the hall something in the back of her mind was uneasy. Something was playing faintly through her ears. Something, something strangley familiar…Something that made goose bumps on her legs and arms. Something…

“Karen?” Lindsay asked shivering.

“What?” Karen answered nervously. “Does something sound different to you?” She asked.

“Yeah…” Lindsay answered. “It’s quiet.”

“What?” Karen said worried.

“It’s too quiet.” Lindsay repeated thoughts swirling in her mind. “Where’s the snoring…”

“BRIANNA!” they screamed and ran to their room.

Their feet pounding on the ground they ran, they ran for their lives, no, Brianna’s life.Then, when they arrived, they found everything the same, everything, except, except, except Brianna, was gone…

Friday, July 29, 2005


Blogging is addictive. First, I get a blog, then my dad got one, then my mom, and now my sister! What is it about the things that make them, well, so fun?

My sister said she likes that you have the ability to write something like a website, but you don't have to hassle with a layout. Personally, I think it's because you can express yourself, like a online diary.

Maybe it's all the features that you can use while blogging, or maybe it's just the thrill of having "page" on the web.

Who knows?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Summer's End

School may be starting in ther parts of the state, but we still have 1 more month of the season to go! So here's some ways to stay cool:

1.Go to the pool.
2.Play with a hose or sprinkler.
3.Make a cool drink.
4.Take a cold shower.
5. Do outside activites when there's not a lot of sun. Like in the early morning, and late in the afternoon.

Well, I hope I enjoy the rest of my summer, and you enjoy yours.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

New Riddle

See if you can solve this riddle...

A cowboy rode to an inn on Friday stayed two nights and left on Friday. How could that be?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Dream Journal

Everyone has weird dreams, right? And I want to remember mine. So today I'm starting a dream journal, where I'll record all my dreams, (that is, if I can remember all of them!)

Hmm...Maybe I'll post some of my entries on the blog.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Animal Picture

The Answer to This Week's Riddle!

A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50."The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less.In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?

Highlight below for answer: The man did exactly as he said he would and wrote "your exact weight" on the paper

Art Lesson

A couple of days ago my friend taught me how to draw anime style (at least that's what I think it's called!) It's really cool! My friend loves to draw half cats (half human and half cat people.) She knows I really love dogs, so she taught me how to draw half dogs! She gave me some drawings so I'll try and post some of them the next couple of days.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Happy 4th

Sorry that I didn't post for a whille, me and my family were busy with 4th of July and all. For the first time of my life, we had real fireworks. You see, my family is all about saftey. So every year, all we do for 4th of July fun is have sparklers.

This time it was diffrent. My family and I had finally bought something diffrent!

We got 2 packages of crazy gophers, 4 of sparklers, 2 of snakes, 2 old glorys, 2 mini monsters, and 2 killer bees.

In other words,


Saturday, July 02, 2005

Funny Picture

This Week's Riddle

Can you solve this riddle?

A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50."The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less.In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?

Answer will be posted a week from today

For more cool riddles and jokes, go to riddlesandjokes.com

Monday, June 27, 2005

Joke #2


Well, so far my summer's been good. My best friend visited for a week and we got to show her the town. We also went to the beach, and waterfalls! Then, 2 days ago my grandmother and my aunt came to visit for a week. I'm so excited that I get to see them!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Betzy's Here!

"Hello! I'm Betzy, the lovable, licking 2 year old golden retriever! Full of energy, I love chasing birds, wrestling with Bizy, and catching balls. To relax I like to having my ears scratched, and laying down on the carpet to watch Animal Planet on TV."

Book Review

Here are my Top Ten Books:

1. The Adventures of Holly Claus
2. Inkheart
3. Prophecy of the Stones
4. Harry Potter
5. Dragon Rider
7.Nancey Drew Books
8. The Great Tree of Avalon
9. Chasing Redbird
10.The Shamer's Daughter



"Hi! I'm Bizy, the eight year old golden retriever. If I'm not being bothered by my little sister Betzy, I'm outdoors, chasing squirrels, barking at other dogs, and running around the neighborhood! Of course, I'm never too busy to lay down and have a nap.


Welcome, welcome! I'm kinda new to this so this blog isn't the best, but your'e welcome to read my stories. I'd love if you could give me feedback and suggestions on them too. This blog doesn't really have one "theme", but a bunch of them!
I will try to add:

  • More stories
  • pictures and images
  • journal entries
  • and more!

Wolf Speaker

By Caitlin Summers

The Trip

On a cold winter night a plane flew to the artic. On it were a research team, led by Jeff Summers and his daughter, 12 year old Lily. She looked out her window, to the frozen ground beyond. Maybe, she thought, this mission would give me and my father some time to spend with each other. Ever since Mom died he’d been busy, she thought with a sigh. Lily went back to listening to a song on her CD player. But before Lily could finish the song the plane landed in the cold artic. The team and her then retrieved their bags and headed to the bus that would take them to the small Alaskan town.

June Bay

June Bay, a town in Alaska was where the researchers were staying, since it was close to the glacier they were studying. The small town was bustling with working Alaskans, fishers and hunters, and looked like a quaint town on the front of a Christmas card. Children ran through the snowy street as busy mothers cooked and cleaned. There was only one hotel in the village, It was owned by Gwen Tiller, who had moved here and married an Eskimo. The hotel was small and the room where the Summers family was staying only had one bed and a couch. “We’ll make do!” Lily’s father said, smiling grimly. He had not expected this. That night when she was sleeping, Lily heard something… It was a pack of wolves howling, calling to each other. And also calling, Lily realized, to her!

The next day Lily’s father said he had a surprise for her. Lily was excited, she new her father finally wanted to spend time with her! But when she came over to her dad there were 2 other people there too! Lily knew one of them, Delia Goodman, a worker on the team, but she didn’t recognize the 2nd. He was a strange boy! “Lily,” Jeff Summers said happily, “You know me and Delia have been dating for a while,” No! Lily thought disgusted. “And we have decided to get married.” Those words were killer to Lily’s heart, No one, she thought NO ONE could replace mom! “This is Jake your new brother.” Lily nodded her head silently. “When do we go to the glaciers dad,” she said ignoring the sad feeling in her heart. “Going?” her father said surprised? “Oh yeah, I promised you could come. Sorry honey, Jake’s going with us today so their isn’t room. Maybe next time!” Lily felt tears come into her eyes, this ruined the whole expedition!

Delia’s Plan

That day while everyone was at the expedition, Lily was working on homework. When her father came home instead of doing something with her, him and Jake went skiing. She asked Delia to do something with her, but she only scowled at the small child and continued talking to one of the Alaskans about how “Wonderful her new husband and her son were! And how perfect the family will be!” Later Lily heard her speaking to Gwen Tiller. “The girl’s a awful thing,” Delia said “I love her father, but she’s so quiet!” Lily felt like hitting the blonde lady, but decided not to. Later that night she eavesdropped on a talk between her father and Delia. “ I think Lily needs help. She’s so quiet and shy, and I think traveling all the time is bad for her. So I came up with a solution, Red Butterfly Boarding school! She’d get the therapy she needs!” Delia said happily. Lily scowled, she needed to find a way to ruin this marriage.


That night, as Lily listened to the wolves she could help it no more. Lily sneaked of the couch and dressed in a hat, coat, scarf, gloves, and warm jacket, she took along her dad’s cell phone just in case she got lost.

Then, Lily sneaked out of the hotel.
Outside, Lily followed the voices of the wolves to a forest. There, before her, was a large wolf pack. They howled before her, and one of them even jumped up in the snow, welcoming her.

Then something happened. Instead of howls she heard voices, many, in the wind, in the air. “Wolf Speaker!” the wolves called, “You have come!”

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