Tuesday, September 13, 2005

^ Note From The Author

When I read my story your'e going to laugh so hard you'll cry. Actually, you won't believe a word of it to be exact.

Well to start of big, I'm a shoe. Yes, I know what your'e thinking, get a life. But actually I am. A very smart shoe that is. You see, when me and my billions of brothers and sisters were manufctured, something went wrong. We don't look any diffrent. But those shoe guys had created the first genius shoe line.

Now, you stupid humans don't know it, but we objects have a laungage to our own. Now if I may guess what your'e thinking again? Let's see, how bout' "I all objects can talk, how are you a genius shoe?" Well Here's my answer. I can write and read human! I can move on my own! How do think I'm writing this, on the end of my owner's foot!

So, as I was saying, we objects have a laungage of our own. We can talk to each other, but we can't talk to you. And you can't talk to us. All we objects want is to be used. Shoes like to be run and walked in. Chairs like to be in, and books like to be read. A object is sad, and lonley if it's stuffed in a closet all day long. We also have a big sense of pride. I once new a shoe who's ansestors had all been worn by dukes and duchhess. And then he got bought by a thief. Do you know what kind of shame that brings to your poor shoes! We like to worn out by decent people, and that goes for all the objects.

Now, there is only one kind of person on the earth who understands us. The Native Americans. They know our laungauge and use us to the bone. Any shoe would be hounoured to be worn by one.

So when you finish my story, think about if you don't use some you your things, and give them away to people who really will.-Jewel


Caitlin Summers said...

Note- This is the start of one of my school stories. We have to write as if we are the shoe. I have'nt edited it yet, so it might have some bad grammar.

Caitlin Summers said...

Urrgh. Looking back at last year, I am ashamed to have written this. It sounds so stupid!

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