Monday, January 29, 2007

The Oh-So-Dreaded Update

The Chronicles updated to the new version of Blogger last night, which was good for the blog and very annoying for me. After the first few minutes, I found my whole user-profile had been "weirdified". *long sigh* So, after spending fifteen precious minutes to fix that, I decided to play around with the new features....

Changes to the Chronicles:

1) I've added a list of my favorite TV shows.
Because you just couldn't live without knowing, right? :D

2) The Blog Archive format has been fiddled with.

3) Various other little tweaks have been made, and are going to be made!

-Caitlin :D

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Randomness at it's Worst

Go Sox!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Bad Luck for the Laptop

Guess what happened? I think you can guess from this post's title.

I was on the computer playing some random game when Rose tells me to come over and look at something she was painting, (she's the artist in the family). So, I put the laptop down on the ground, with the top partly closed, and got up. Except, I did it too quickly, and since I'm a total klutz, I tripped over the cord, and fell down, dragging the laptop with me and banging it into the coffee table. When it was all over, the laptop screen was broken, I was almost crying, my mom and dad were ballistic, and Rose was in blaming mode.

You see, this is not the first time something like this has happened. Other incidents include breaking mom's digital camera, and losing 15 DVD's on a plane trip.

So, now we can only use the latop when it is plugged into a monitor, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of a laptop in the first place, but at least all of my data isn't gone. *sigh* And now my parents are on my back 24/7. In fact, mom is yelling at me right now...

Friday, January 26, 2007

I Can Now Say "Boring" in Two Languages...

Yep. I've started Spanish. So far....(not to insult anyone) stinks.

1) Almost none of my friends are in my class. (I have one, but she's been absent all week.)
2) Everyone else has had a year of Spanish before this, but not me! I'm clueless when it comes to "Espanol".
3) Two words: Assigned Seats
4) Our teacher is nice, but I think she went to fast. Our first day wasn't spent on introductions, it was spent on immediately taking notes.

So, the only part that has been even semi-fun is getting our Spanish names. Mine is "Catalina". Cool, huh? Like the girl from My Name is Earl.

Hmm...well, in other news, I have started writing a book. I've actually gotten far, although it's really weird. It's kind of a mix between a non-fiction "girly" book, Maximum Ride, and Harry Potter. I might post some it later...unluckily for you!

TGIF! I'm off to do some homework, (ick), so I'll write more later...

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