Monday, February 26, 2007

Pictures From Last Summer

Because the chilly weather outside is making me want the sun, I'm going to post more pictures from last summer, from our trips to Maine and Europe.

1.) A crab from the beach....

2.) Our marvelous sandcastle...

3.) We took a tour of Fenway!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Things I Hate

Last week, when I was feeling bad, I made a list of things I really hate. So, (not to depress you or anything), here's the list so far:

Things I Hate-

  1. Mondays.
  2. Lip-syncing, or any singer who lip-syncs when they are supposedly "live".
  3. When you are sharpening a pencil, and after all your arduous work, you're done, and then the pencil lead breaks!
  4. When people stare at you like you're crazy, when you just made a bad joke or a mouth-blunder.
  5. When you type up a fantastically long e-mail or a story, and then you hit a button or do something so that it becomes deleted, and you have to re-write it.
  6. When you have to hit the insert button while typing. (It takes up so much time, and is REALLY ANNOYING.)
  7. When you are happily talking to someone, but when you are done you find out they have tuned you out or have never been listening.
  8. When you are watching a game show, and the contestant makes a bad move. (Just watch Deal or No Deal. Ugh, the stupidity of some of those people!)
  9. When someone beautiful says they aren't. ("Oh no, I'm not a gorgeous blond! I'm ugly!" Yeah, right.)
  10. When people on TV or the news make a joke that they think is just so "hilarious" but it isn't even funny.
  11. People who knowingly flaunt around with their money. ("Guess what, I have SEVEN _____!" or "Ha ha! I own ____ and you don't!")
  12. When people repeat words or phrases while speaking. (For example: "So, she's getting ready for us right now! While she's getting ready, let's see some clips from the day!")
  13. That awkward silence that sometimes happens when two people are right next to each other, but neither wants to speak or has to the courage to.
  14. When people think you need confidence, and so they give you way to much FAKE encouragement/praise. (This has happened to me multiple times over the years, since apparently, everyone immediately spots how weird I am.)
  15. When you are feeling really bad, and someone goes on and on about how great their day was.
  16. People who curse 1000 times per minute, (Umm…rude much?), and think it makes them "cool".
  17. People who think violent things are funny. (This means I hate about all the guys at school. Here is example of their "humor": "And then, ha ha!, the bus blows up and all the people are killed!" Ha ha, ha ha, NOT FUNNY!)
  18. People who have no idea what the word "personal space" means.
  19. Global Warming.
  20. Our government.
  21. Cheesy advertisements. (And advertisements in general.)
  22. When you're walking in the hall, and you come to somebody, and to avoid them you go to the left, but they go to the left too, and then you go right, but they go right too, and you knock into them.
  23. Cheese and Butter. (Butter is ok if cooked into things, and I can take cheese in VERY SMALL amounts.)
  24. People who stand in large groups talking in the halls, making the crowded path to class even more crowded, and then, when you ask them to move, they don't.
  25. People who stand directly in front of your locker, and then when you ask them to move, they either don't, or look at you as if you're so jerky by "bothering them".
  26. Overnight flights.
  27. When you have to wait for food or seating at a restaurant.
  28. Multi-talented people. Who made them pretty, smart, funny, popular, and just plain perfect in every category known to man?
  29. When there is nothing on TV that doesn't make you barf. (What’s with daytime television? It's either some sappy soap opera, or a rerun of some happy-go-lucky family show.)
  30. Waiting for things.
  31. Turtleneck Sweaters.

Things I Love

After the hate list, I decided to make a cheery list....

Things I Love-

  1. My family.
  2. Pizza with only bread and sauce.
  3. Snow, playing in the snow, snow days, etc.
  4. Swimming all day.
  5. The beach, going to the beach, picnics at the beach, etc.
  6. The feeling I get when multi-tasking.
  7. Finally getting to the next level in a video game.
  8. Talking, discussing things.
  9. Drama, a dramatic event.
  10. The Internet, surfing the net, etc.
  11. Going to the library.
  12. Reading late into the night.
  13. The Boston Red Sox. (GO SOX!)
  14. Taking weird pictures and videos.
  15. Yelling out random things.
  16. Listening to music, finding new bands/songs I like.
  17. Christmas, and getting presents.
  18. My B-Day, and the fact that it's the day after Christmas.
  19. Nature, feeling a connection with it.
  20. Animals, playing with them, seeing them.
  21. Dogs.
  22. Magazines.
  23. Being sarcastic.
  24. Making someone smile, or laugh.
  25. Mocking things.
  26. Writing.
  27. Finally finishing a story.
  28. My blog, and when people comment on it.
  29. Chocolate, and other sweets.
  30. Dangly earrings.
  31. Getting e-mails, or letters.
  32. Talking for a long time on the phone.
  33. Watching TV.
  34. Making a list of things I hate.
  35. Time Warner Cable DVR
  36. IM's
  37. Getting an A on a test.
  38. Books.
  39. Surprises
  40. Attics.
  41. When the electricity goes out.
  42. The feeling you get when you do something right without being asked.
  43. Gardening.
  44. Art Class.
  45. Playing board games.
  46. Sleepovers.
  47. Making lists, and feeling organized.
  48. When I get a really good idea for a story.
  49. Going to museums.
  50. Traveling to new places.



Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm Back!

Yes, although I may have left the Chronicles without a post for a while, I am officially back! So sorry about my little blog break, but I had to deal with being sick, snow days, and major writer's block...the last of which is very serious to me, being the weirdo writer I am.

I'm not really in the blogging mood at the moment, so.....I'm just going to post a picture of Bizy in the snow, as proof that we had a snow day....

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