Sunday, July 30, 2006

It's 9:00 on Sunday Night

I'm bored. My sister is watching TV upstairs, my dad has disappeared to do who knows what, and my mom is rushing around doing stuff for my grandparents 50th aniversiary celebration. That leaves me in a deserted living room/kitchen with my faithful lap-top. I would watch TV, but it's Sunday night and everyone knows there is nothing but reruns on Sunday night. Gosh I'm bored, all I can write about is boredom, TV reruns and Sunday night. How boring is that? I apologize to anyone that has collapsed and fallen asleep on their computer while reading this. I also hope you have no nightmares of TV reruns and boring Sunday nights.

*looks around*

Nothing in this room seems to be alive but me. The dogs are sleeping and everything is silent. Too silent. If someone jumps out of the shadows with a gun right now, I won't be surprized.

People jumping out of the's not very good, but it's better than bordom on Sunday night and TV reruns. Again I repeat myself to say that I am very sorry to anyone reading this. Of course, by now you won't know that because you will be asleep with boredom.

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