Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Question

I have no idea why I am still writing on this blog. Well, for today it's because I'm sick with nothing to do, but I'm talking about it in general. I have absolutely no one commenting, so I can't possibly be doing it for the "fans" (ick...for some reason I've always hated that word), and it's not like I'm a fantastic writer either. So why is it that I've been doing this for 3 years? Am I crazy, or something?

I recently read a book where the main character said reading blogs became boring because all bloggers end up writing about is how there is absolutely nothing to write about. And after I had read that, I felt so pathetic, because I happen to do exactly that!

So, as I sit here with a blistering headache, I ponder the question...

"Should I stop?"

I'm Sick...Bla, Bla, Bla...

Yes, I am sick, and I am writing in that weird font that comes out like little pictures, for reasons unknown by me. Even worse than just plain being sick, is that I'm sick on a state testing day, which might sound great to some people, but not to me since I'm going to have to make them up when I get back and miss something or other...

A Very Lame Story...

Monday: The Weekly Tragedy
By Caitlin Summers

The cacophonous sound of the alarm clock jolted me out of bed.
“What time is it?” I shouted, clambering down the stairs. Ugh! Why were all Monday mornings terrible? It was as if some nefarious god controlled my luck on Mondays, and he almost always had something horrible happen to me. For example: my dog died on a Monday. So did my Grandma. My best friend moved away on a Monday, and they announced they were going to stop serving pizza in the Cafeteria on (you guessed it!) a Monday. So waking up late on the one day I couldn’t possibly afford to be was no surprise to a Monday-hater like me.

Yawning, I walked into the kitchen to find my family eating acrid-smelling waffles. I quickly guessed that dad had been cooking, since most of the food he produced looked and smelled as it had already been eaten. Unfortunately, since no one wanted to risk getting on the patriarch’s bad side, he had yet to be informed of this.

I sat down, and scowled as my little sister gave me malevolent smile. Her eyes scanned me up and down, taking in my appearance with glee. Rumpled clothes and troll hair wasn’t exactly the look I had wanted, but since I had woken up an hour late, it was better than nothing!

She stopped staring and started a conversation with mom, talking in a chipper but somehow sinister way.

“Mother, guess what? I can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! It’s not one of our spelling words, but I memorized it anyways. I can also spell it backwards. Isn’t that great! Do you want me to spell it now?”

Mom, as usual, was overjoyed at my sister’s knowledge. She always likes it when my sister tells her stuff, for reasons unknown to me.

I sighed, and suddenly decided to skip breakfast. I’d rather starve than eat the waffles. Instead, I gave them to our dog, a colossal beast named Monster. Monster thanked me by slobbering all over my face. Oh, joy.

My father, who had been missing from the scene, entered from the living room and gave me a grin. “Like the waffles?” he bellowed, making me wince.

I gave him a fake thumbs-up, which I thought was an appropriate response. It’s not lying if you don’t speak…right? Thankfully, he changed the subject and asked if I was ready to go.

“Yeah, I’m good.” I replied, staring at my sister, who was now wolfing down the waffles in an attempt to suck-up. After all these years trying to appeal to dad, she must have a stomach made of iron!

“Then let’s go! Take Your Daughter to Work Day is going to be great! And…don’t think I’ve forgotten you Rose. You get to come on Take Your Son to Work Day.” Dad said, as loud as ever, not knowing that these words were exactly why Rose was eating the toxic waffles.

I followed Dad out onto the front porch, and then to the car, where I hopped in and was immediately hit with a wave of claustrophobia. Dad’s car had to be the smallest in Connecticut, if not the whole U.S.

The car started…barely, and then we were driving through the neighborhood, but since Dad doesn’t believe in music, (ironically he thinks it’s “too loud”), my claustrophobia was replaced with immediate boredom.

Sighing, I stared out the window as we passed our next door neighbors. They stopped planting flowers to give us a wave. The Mays just happen to be award winning gardeners. It’s not exactly the best occupation for someone who lives near us, especially when Monster’s goal in life is to be a shovel.

We turned the street corner, and I finally convinced Dad to turn on the radio. I was happy with this until he started singing along. Ouch! How long was the ride there again? With my luck today, Dad’s office will have suddenly been moved to another state!

After the nauseating car ride full of “conversation” and Dad’s wince- worthy karaoke, we finally arrived at his work. I rubbed my eyes and unplugged my ears. I hadn’t been at Dad’s office since I was three years old, and I was excited to come back.

I got out of the car as fast as I could and stared at the building in front of me. As much as I wanted to believe my dad worked in a fantastic place, you had to admit his office has been neglected. The previously cheery-white paint had turned somewhat gray, and there was a giant crack in the glass of the window.

“Behold my wonderful workplace!” Dad shouted with a grin. I shook my head. He was obviously in denial about the building. It looked as if a tornado had hit it! Sighing, I followed him into his office, trying not to be too spooked when a piece of brick came falling down from the roof. Apparently, the building wasn’t impenetrable as Dad thought it was, as the stone caused a big knick in the wall to appear.

Inside, it looked even worse than the exterior. Papers were spread all around on tables, and a man was pacing while on the phone.

“Yes, I know you had a bad experience, but that wasn’t our fault! Since when does a travel agency control turbulence? Or the amount of time spent on the tarmac? Never! We just get you the tickets!” he shook his head in frustration as he talked, and I turned back to Dad in question.

“That’s Mr. Gray. He’s my assistant, and luckily for me, he deals with the daunting task of answering complaints,” Dad explained, leading me towards a small room to the left.

“So, has been business been well lately?” I asked, plopping down into a chair.

“It’s been ok,” He answered, sitting at his desk. “We haven't gotten many customers visiting the office for some reason… (What? Whoa, I really think he doesn't know why!)…but besides that, everything is normal.”

I shook my head since I couldn't think of an appropriate response, and then looked back up at my dad. “So…erm, what exactly am I supposed to do here?”

He stopped playing around with his computer, and frowned. “I guess I didn’t think of that! You could…read something. My partner, Angela, has a collection of poetry you could borrow. You like epics, and fantasy, and all that stuff, right?”

I nodded, although I hated reading anything but nonfiction, and I especially despised poetry. How could he not know what I could do here? What was the point of coming if I was bored out of my mind? I could do that already at school!

“On second thought, you should stay away from her. She doesn’t like to talk to people, and can get ticked-off pretty easily,” he continued, not noticing the annoyed look on my face.

I decided to take his advice and stay clear of Angela and her poems. Instead, I wearily made the trip to a drugstore a few blocks down, where I promptly bought a newspaper. Then I collapsed onto a bench and flipped through the pages. Since it was a Monday the news was depressive, and all I could see were stories about war, death, murder, more war, even more war, and bad weather. What happened to the good news? Why couldn’t they have a story about how the President has banned Mondays from existence? Now that would make my day.

I gave a deep sigh, folded up the newspaper, and walked slowly back to Dad’s office. Even though so far, this day had been horrible, I still couldn’t give up. Me, let Monday win? I don’t think so! Even if the day had been one hundred times worse, it wasn’t like I didn’t expect it. Monday is just Monday. It’s that oppressive, depressive, thing you dread coming all week, and you unwillingly trudge through when it arrives. Monday is, and always will be, the weekly tragedy.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Pictures From Last Summer

Because the chilly weather outside is making me want the sun, I'm going to post more pictures from last summer, from our trips to Maine and Europe.

1.) A crab from the beach....

2.) Our marvelous sandcastle...

3.) We took a tour of Fenway!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Things I Hate

Last week, when I was feeling bad, I made a list of things I really hate. So, (not to depress you or anything), here's the list so far:

Things I Hate-

  1. Mondays.
  2. Lip-syncing, or any singer who lip-syncs when they are supposedly "live".
  3. When you are sharpening a pencil, and after all your arduous work, you're done, and then the pencil lead breaks!
  4. When people stare at you like you're crazy, when you just made a bad joke or a mouth-blunder.
  5. When you type up a fantastically long e-mail or a story, and then you hit a button or do something so that it becomes deleted, and you have to re-write it.
  6. When you have to hit the insert button while typing. (It takes up so much time, and is REALLY ANNOYING.)
  7. When you are happily talking to someone, but when you are done you find out they have tuned you out or have never been listening.
  8. When you are watching a game show, and the contestant makes a bad move. (Just watch Deal or No Deal. Ugh, the stupidity of some of those people!)
  9. When someone beautiful says they aren't. ("Oh no, I'm not a gorgeous blond! I'm ugly!" Yeah, right.)
  10. When people on TV or the news make a joke that they think is just so "hilarious" but it isn't even funny.
  11. People who knowingly flaunt around with their money. ("Guess what, I have SEVEN _____!" or "Ha ha! I own ____ and you don't!")
  12. When people repeat words or phrases while speaking. (For example: "So, she's getting ready for us right now! While she's getting ready, let's see some clips from the day!")
  13. That awkward silence that sometimes happens when two people are right next to each other, but neither wants to speak or has to the courage to.
  14. When people think you need confidence, and so they give you way to much FAKE encouragement/praise. (This has happened to me multiple times over the years, since apparently, everyone immediately spots how weird I am.)
  15. When you are feeling really bad, and someone goes on and on about how great their day was.
  16. People who curse 1000 times per minute, (Umm…rude much?), and think it makes them "cool".
  17. People who think violent things are funny. (This means I hate about all the guys at school. Here is example of their "humor": "And then, ha ha!, the bus blows up and all the people are killed!" Ha ha, ha ha, NOT FUNNY!)
  18. People who have no idea what the word "personal space" means.
  19. Global Warming.
  20. Our government.
  21. Cheesy advertisements. (And advertisements in general.)
  22. When you're walking in the hall, and you come to somebody, and to avoid them you go to the left, but they go to the left too, and then you go right, but they go right too, and you knock into them.
  23. Cheese and Butter. (Butter is ok if cooked into things, and I can take cheese in VERY SMALL amounts.)
  24. People who stand in large groups talking in the halls, making the crowded path to class even more crowded, and then, when you ask them to move, they don't.
  25. People who stand directly in front of your locker, and then when you ask them to move, they either don't, or look at you as if you're so jerky by "bothering them".
  26. Overnight flights.
  27. When you have to wait for food or seating at a restaurant.
  28. Multi-talented people. Who made them pretty, smart, funny, popular, and just plain perfect in every category known to man?
  29. When there is nothing on TV that doesn't make you barf. (What’s with daytime television? It's either some sappy soap opera, or a rerun of some happy-go-lucky family show.)
  30. Waiting for things.
  31. Turtleneck Sweaters.

Things I Love

After the hate list, I decided to make a cheery list....

Things I Love-

  1. My family.
  2. Pizza with only bread and sauce.
  3. Snow, playing in the snow, snow days, etc.
  4. Swimming all day.
  5. The beach, going to the beach, picnics at the beach, etc.
  6. The feeling I get when multi-tasking.
  7. Finally getting to the next level in a video game.
  8. Talking, discussing things.
  9. Drama, a dramatic event.
  10. The Internet, surfing the net, etc.
  11. Going to the library.
  12. Reading late into the night.
  13. The Boston Red Sox. (GO SOX!)
  14. Taking weird pictures and videos.
  15. Yelling out random things.
  16. Listening to music, finding new bands/songs I like.
  17. Christmas, and getting presents.
  18. My B-Day, and the fact that it's the day after Christmas.
  19. Nature, feeling a connection with it.
  20. Animals, playing with them, seeing them.
  21. Dogs.
  22. Magazines.
  23. Being sarcastic.
  24. Making someone smile, or laugh.
  25. Mocking things.
  26. Writing.
  27. Finally finishing a story.
  28. My blog, and when people comment on it.
  29. Chocolate, and other sweets.
  30. Dangly earrings.
  31. Getting e-mails, or letters.
  32. Talking for a long time on the phone.
  33. Watching TV.
  34. Making a list of things I hate.
  35. Time Warner Cable DVR
  36. IM's
  37. Getting an A on a test.
  38. Books.
  39. Surprises
  40. Attics.
  41. When the electricity goes out.
  42. The feeling you get when you do something right without being asked.
  43. Gardening.
  44. Art Class.
  45. Playing board games.
  46. Sleepovers.
  47. Making lists, and feeling organized.
  48. When I get a really good idea for a story.
  49. Going to museums.
  50. Traveling to new places.



Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm Back!

Yes, although I may have left the Chronicles without a post for a while, I am officially back! So sorry about my little blog break, but I had to deal with being sick, snow days, and major writer's block...the last of which is very serious to me, being the weirdo writer I am.

I'm not really in the blogging mood at the moment, so.....I'm just going to post a picture of Bizy in the snow, as proof that we had a snow day....

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Oh-So-Dreaded Update

The Chronicles updated to the new version of Blogger last night, which was good for the blog and very annoying for me. After the first few minutes, I found my whole user-profile had been "weirdified". *long sigh* So, after spending fifteen precious minutes to fix that, I decided to play around with the new features....

Changes to the Chronicles:

1) I've added a list of my favorite TV shows.
Because you just couldn't live without knowing, right? :D

2) The Blog Archive format has been fiddled with.

3) Various other little tweaks have been made, and are going to be made!

-Caitlin :D

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Randomness at it's Worst

Go Sox!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Bad Luck for the Laptop

Guess what happened? I think you can guess from this post's title.

I was on the computer playing some random game when Rose tells me to come over and look at something she was painting, (she's the artist in the family). So, I put the laptop down on the ground, with the top partly closed, and got up. Except, I did it too quickly, and since I'm a total klutz, I tripped over the cord, and fell down, dragging the laptop with me and banging it into the coffee table. When it was all over, the laptop screen was broken, I was almost crying, my mom and dad were ballistic, and Rose was in blaming mode.

You see, this is not the first time something like this has happened. Other incidents include breaking mom's digital camera, and losing 15 DVD's on a plane trip.

So, now we can only use the latop when it is plugged into a monitor, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of a laptop in the first place, but at least all of my data isn't gone. *sigh* And now my parents are on my back 24/7. In fact, mom is yelling at me right now...

Friday, January 26, 2007

I Can Now Say "Boring" in Two Languages...

Yep. I've started Spanish. So far....(not to insult anyone)..it stinks.

1) Almost none of my friends are in my class. (I have one, but she's been absent all week.)
2) Everyone else has had a year of Spanish before this, but not me! I'm clueless when it comes to "Espanol".
3) Two words: Assigned Seats
4) Our teacher is nice, but I think she went to fast. Our first day wasn't spent on introductions, it was spent on immediately taking notes.

So, the only part that has been even semi-fun is getting our Spanish names. Mine is "Catalina". Cool, huh? Like the girl from My Name is Earl.

Hmm...well, in other news, I have started writing a book. I've actually gotten far, although it's really weird. It's kind of a mix between a non-fiction "girly" book, Maximum Ride, and Harry Potter. I might post some it later...unluckily for you!

TGIF! I'm off to do some homework, (ick), so I'll write more later...

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