Saturday, January 27, 2007

Bad Luck for the Laptop

Guess what happened? I think you can guess from this post's title.

I was on the computer playing some random game when Rose tells me to come over and look at something she was painting, (she's the artist in the family). So, I put the laptop down on the ground, with the top partly closed, and got up. Except, I did it too quickly, and since I'm a total klutz, I tripped over the cord, and fell down, dragging the laptop with me and banging it into the coffee table. When it was all over, the laptop screen was broken, I was almost crying, my mom and dad were ballistic, and Rose was in blaming mode.

You see, this is not the first time something like this has happened. Other incidents include breaking mom's digital camera, and losing 15 DVD's on a plane trip.

So, now we can only use the latop when it is plugged into a monitor, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of a laptop in the first place, but at least all of my data isn't gone. *sigh* And now my parents are on my back 24/7. In fact, mom is yelling at me right now...


Anonymous said...

I think your Mom and Dad must love you very much anyway. After all, they figured out how to save the data on your laptop AND they let you back on the computer. Unconditional love means they keep on loving both the adorable you.. and the you that has expensive klutz moments. (Hope you're being more careful now-- unconditional love is not a license to do anything you please, no matter what or who it hurts.)
Oh, and one more bit of advice. If you want less yelling, try really listening when they talk quiet. Believe in yourself, don't sweat the small stuff; and spread kindness. Have a nice day :)

Caitlin Summers said...


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