Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Christmas Mania

My house is holiday packed...

-Outside we have luminarias lining the sidewalk, two mechanical deer near the flowers, and bushes and trees covered in lights. Our door is lined with a garland of fresh greens and grape lights, with a wreath in the middle.

-Inside we have two Christmas trees, already hung stockings, 5 nativity scenes, a stack of holiday CD's, and little figurine thingys.

-In the backyard our mini Gazebo is covered in icicle lights, and there are even more luminarias.

...and it's not even December yet.

Our whole family loves Christmas. Me especially, being born the day after. There's just something about it that makes me happy. Which is saying a lot, as some of my friends criticize me for "always frowning". that the delicous smell of dinner wafting up my nose? I guess I've got to go....

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy (late) Turkey Day!

Yes. I know Thanksgiving was five days ago! I think the combination of no school and tryptophan caused me to be in an un-bloggish mood. Who knows?

So, my Thanksgiving was cool. I watched the Macy's Day Parade, and ate a great lunch with my family. Then for dinner I ate leftover cranberry sauce, (my fav), and a turkey-dog. Weird that even when I was sick of turkey, I still ate turkey. Only in a different form. It's like you have to eat Turkey on Thanksgiving, "or else". Hmmm...

Sorry, I'm just rambling on and on and on and on.

So, see ya!

*cue the end of this post*

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Anger Level: 100

I had this whole long post all written out, when my computer died! *scowls at screen* What is wrong with this laptop! Urgh. If it didn't cost so much...I'd...throw it out the window!

Ok. Time to relax. Get some tea...count to ten...that sort of junk.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mwa Ha Ha, Ha Ha Mwa!

Ok. Ignore the random title...

This morning, I went "piano shopping" to this piano guy's house. He had, like, 10 pianos laying around and a bunch he was working on. It was really weird. So, I banged around on them for an hour, and played some of my songs. By the end my clothes were covered in soot, a good excuse for what was coming next....real shopping.

We went to Kohl's, in the shopping center near town. Surprisingly, I had a good time, and got 3 sweaters, 2 pairs of jeans, and some shirts. It was nice, especially since I've been wearing the same stuff for the last few months.

I also wanted to get this cool fuzzy scarf...but I decided not to. I discovered an orange one in my closet last week. I being shallow? Hope not. Anyways, I have to go and ponder world peace. See ya later!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I'm Still Alive!

I survived yesterday, thank goodness. But now I'm convinced I have an ear infection...ugh. Mom offered to take me to the doctor after school tomorrow, and I graciously accepted. She was just going to let me stay home, or go during school...but with tomorrow being the only day we have school this week, my teachers actually planned something fun. I have "free cook" in Home Ec, and my group is baking pasta, with garlic breadsticks, yum! And my teachers, (who also think going to school on Monday is a waste of time), are crowding my whole team together to watch a movie. Me...miss the one day of school that might actually be fun? No way!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Play thee funeral march....

It's a good thing I have blogging, or else no one would know what I'm saying for the rest of my life! My voice is so hoarse, I think an actual "horse" could communicate better than me. I was horrible in choir the other day, and even though I'm an alto, I couldn't hit the notes. I also had to repeat myself a zillion times yesterday, even to my friends, who can usually understand my babblings. Urgh. My voice is half whisper, half "monster from another universe"! What is going on? Will I die with no last words? I know...I'm a major hypochondriac, but that doesn't mean I actually get sick! *moan* And why doesn't the doctor's office take people on Saturday or Sunday here? What if I actually was dying?!!


I have to go and make a cup of tea. Hopefully it helps.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Emmett and Cheryl won, woohoo! *claps enthusiastically*

Hmm...time to to go to bed and catch some zzz's. See ya!

I'm waiting....

Who will win? Emmet or Mario? Only a few minutes until we find out!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Pumpkin Pictures

Guess which is mine?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Candy, candy, CANDY!

Yum! Halloween isn't my favorite holiday, but it sure is nice to get a bunch of candy without paying for it. I dressed up as the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz and Wicked. I haven't actually seen the musical Wicked, but I've viewed a couple of pictures online, and I think at one point Elphaba (the wicked witch) wears glasses, so I had an excuse to wear mine and not be totally blind!

Apparently, while I was out, my dad went a little over board with the costume thing. He dressed up as Willy Wonka from the new movie remake, with a hat, wig, black coat, cane, and goggles. He even downloaded a song from the movie and played it on his I-pod when trick-or-treaters arrived. Apparently, he was more scary than funny. When one little kid saw him, he burst out crying, and a cute, 5-year old girl said, "You're pretty scary!" Poor dad.....

Well. That's about a wrap. I went out trick-or-treating for a couple of hours with some friends, while things got a little freaky back at home. Halloween...All Hallows Eve...I guess it's over!

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