Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Candy, candy, CANDY!

Yum! Halloween isn't my favorite holiday, but it sure is nice to get a bunch of candy without paying for it. I dressed up as the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz and Wicked. I haven't actually seen the musical Wicked, but I've viewed a couple of pictures online, and I think at one point Elphaba (the wicked witch) wears glasses, so I had an excuse to wear mine and not be totally blind!

Apparently, while I was out, my dad went a little over board with the costume thing. He dressed up as Willy Wonka from the new movie remake, with a hat, wig, black coat, cane, and goggles. He even downloaded a song from the movie and played it on his I-pod when trick-or-treaters arrived. Apparently, he was more scary than funny. When one little kid saw him, he burst out crying, and a cute, 5-year old girl said, "You're pretty scary!" Poor dad.....

Well. That's about a wrap. I went out trick-or-treating for a couple of hours with some friends, while things got a little freaky back at home. Halloween...All Hallows Eve...I guess it's over!

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