Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mwa Ha Ha, Ha Ha Mwa!

Ok. Ignore the random title...

This morning, I went "piano shopping" to this piano guy's house. He had, like, 10 pianos laying around and a bunch he was working on. It was really weird. So, I banged around on them for an hour, and played some of my songs. By the end my clothes were covered in soot, a good excuse for what was coming next....real shopping.

We went to Kohl's, in the shopping center near town. Surprisingly, I had a good time, and got 3 sweaters, 2 pairs of jeans, and some shirts. It was nice, especially since I've been wearing the same stuff for the last few months.

I also wanted to get this cool fuzzy scarf...but I decided not to. I discovered an orange one in my closet last week.

Hmmm....am I being shallow? Hope not. Anyways, I have to go and ponder world peace. See ya later!


The Flames said...

Piano shopping? I wish. But we already have a grand piano and I have my electric piano up in my room. The grand piano, however old and out of tune it may be, still produces a creepy sounding tone, especially when played in a minor key.

But for school, I take a course called Musical Keyboard I, and the keyboards there are some of the coolest I have had the fortune to play in my life.

You know, I have never been to Kohl's. Interesting, eh? My mom finds shopping to be a nusiance, so that idea is worthless.

And of course you're not being shallow! Have fun with the peace thing. A hint is to change all Laws to John Lennon's "Imagine" *nods* That'll work. ^^


Caitlin Summers said...


Lucky you! In band, I play "keyboard tuba". Don't say anything...I'm warning you!

I wish I had a grand piano. I've been playing for three years straight on a keyboard...
It's about time I have a pedal!

And shopping is worthless. But sometimes fun. I choose to ignore the worthless part and focus on the fun.

The Flames said...

Oh, I actually play the bassoon in band.

^_^ I love it, however bad at it I am. I'd also love to play guitar, but I don't have one to play. Oh, and sing. I'd LOVE to sing. But again, I can't.

So I'll be a rock star instead of a broadway actress...because I'll get paid more.

LOL, just kidding! I'll be able to like...headbang and stuff. It'll be great!!

Caitlin Summers said...


Ugh. I'm watching the news. It's depressing...

Anonymous said...

If I could sing, I would REALLY want to be a rock star. I think I could be a good rock star.

But tomato juice stains, you know.


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