Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Best Day EVER!!!

In first period, we went to the coffee house, (a fundraiser to raise money for the library) where I got to eat/drink some holiday themed stuff, watch people playing chess/checkers, and listen to some very sad Karaoke singers.

In the end I kind of just walked around with some of my friends and talked. Maybe I would have played checkers, or something, but the library was packed with people. The description of the food line was "so close, yet so far". Seriously, I was three feet away from delicious brownies, and the line was moving like snails! There were also raffles you could enter. I bought three tickets and put them toward some good prizes.

Then, after the coffee house, my whole team gathered together to watch "Elf", which was pretty fun, considering it's one of my favorite movies. After that was another trip to the coffeehouse, thanks to my Study Hall teacher. And then came "Home Alone", snacks, and finally....yes, another trip to the coffeehouse, for my third cup of hot chocolate.

At the end came the best part, considering that I'm almost never lucky.
That's right...I won a raffle!

I came home with 4 tickets to the Regal Cinema, and a gift card to Blockbuster. I call it my "before birthday present". Yup, my birthday is the day after Christmas. Not the best date if you don't like two days of presents in a row, but I've gotten used to it. Plus, I get two parties. One with my family on my birthday, and one with my friends in May.

I so happy, I'm so happy!!! Plus, the first day of break is tomorrow, and I can finally relax. So, I'm off to watch this cool movie I got from the library called "Christmas in the Clouds."
See ya!

P.S. (Whatever that really means...)
Sorry for the typos, but I think all of this sugar is affecting my brain!

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