Friday, December 15, 2006

Brava! (I wish...)

Yeah, my band/choir concert was two days ago. So...I was nervous. I was really worried that I was going to screw up. I mean, I've only been playing the keyboard bass for two months!

And, not to change the subject, but what happened to the name of my instrument? During Summer Band it was called "Keyboard Tuba", and now all of a sudden everyone hits me with the "Keyboard Bass" thing. And my music still says "Tuba" in the corner! I play bass, or tuba? Is there a difference, or is everyone just trying to mess with my mind?!

Sorry, *calms down*. Now, back to the concert. I played ok. I got three songs, and the other player got two. That would have been great, if I didn't get the three songs I didn't like. But at least I didn't make major mistakes.

And the choir part was cool too, and everyone clapped when the concert was over, so in the end the experience was a thumbs up.

The only part I really hated was dressing up. I was dreading the afternoon where I had to put on that annoying blouse and dress pants. Hmm....well at least I was allowed to skip the dress pants. Instead I wore these ok-looking black cords.

So...I've got to stop writing. We're getting some ice cream from Coldstone as a celebration, yum!

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