Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Christmas Mania

My house is holiday packed...

-Outside we have luminarias lining the sidewalk, two mechanical deer near the flowers, and bushes and trees covered in lights. Our door is lined with a garland of fresh greens and grape lights, with a wreath in the middle.

-Inside we have two Christmas trees, already hung stockings, 5 nativity scenes, a stack of holiday CD's, and little figurine thingys.

-In the backyard our mini Gazebo is covered in icicle lights, and there are even more luminarias.

...and it's not even December yet.

Our whole family loves Christmas. Me especially, being born the day after. There's just something about it that makes me happy. Which is saying a lot, as some of my friends criticize me for "always frowning". that the delicous smell of dinner wafting up my nose? I guess I've got to go....


Caitlin Summers said... the end is a little weird. What can I say?

The Wicked Witch of the South-East said...

some people obssess with birthdays, others obssess with Halloween, and some (eg. you) obssess with Christmas. nothing wrong with that. SOME places put Xmas stuff up in AUGUST!!!!!! it's boiling then, and yet you can visit Santa in the middle of a heatwave...? O-kay then. Thinking of christmas has made me hungry. Oh, what's that I spy...CHOCOLATE...plain!!!!! Mmmmmm, yummy!!! *sounds of me scoffing down chocolate*

Caitlin Summers said...


I like to think of it as a good obsession...

The Wicked Witch of the South-East said...

oh yes *nods head solemnley* a very good obsession

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry I haven'tcomment in a while. I wasn't necessessarily in the blogging mood. Necessessarily...I've never been able to spell that word. Ever. Ah, well.

Anyway, this is Cate/The Flames. See, before I had my own blog, I kinda took Fang's idea and made a blog for MY characters. If ya'll are up for a good read (ok, not good, but kind long. It's like...7 months) I'd really like if you read it. Especially since I have like...only one person reading it.

Well, I s'pose that I should update my own blog, eh?

Hip hip, Cheerio!


Caitlin Summers said...

Ok. When I saw the name, I was like, who is that? Yeah, I'm bored, so I'll check your blog out...

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