Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy (late) Turkey Day!

Yes. I know Thanksgiving was five days ago! I think the combination of no school and tryptophan caused me to be in an un-bloggish mood. Who knows?

So, my Thanksgiving was cool. I watched the Macy's Day Parade, and ate a great lunch with my family. Then for dinner I ate leftover cranberry sauce, (my fav), and a turkey-dog. Weird that even when I was sick of turkey, I still ate turkey. Only in a different form. It's like you have to eat Turkey on Thanksgiving, "or else". Hmmm...

Sorry, I'm just rambling on and on and on and on.

So, see ya!

*cue the end of this post*


The Flames said...

Lol, the book.

S'pose I should've mentioned this before. I'm writing a book (a trilogy, to be precise) but the second book is stuck at the moment.

Besides, I wanna get the first edited and sent off before I finish the second.

The Wicked Witch of the South-East said...

do you think tryptophan (sp???) is only in turkey, or is it in all the other meats...and do they only put it in at Christmas and Thanksgiving? Hmmm...are they trying to take over the world with this tryptophan thing?...I think I have just turned vegetarian...just in case.

Caitlin Summers said...

To the flames:

Cool! I've always wanted to be an author. Sounds like you've had more progress than me, :).

To the wicked witch of the south-east:

Vegetarians rule!

The Wicked Witch of the South-East said...

duuuuuuuude *makes peace sign* no need to harm animals when veg is there instead!

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