Saturday, November 18, 2006

Play thee funeral march....

It's a good thing I have blogging, or else no one would know what I'm saying for the rest of my life! My voice is so hoarse, I think an actual "horse" could communicate better than me. I was horrible in choir the other day, and even though I'm an alto, I couldn't hit the notes. I also had to repeat myself a zillion times yesterday, even to my friends, who can usually understand my babblings. Urgh. My voice is half whisper, half "monster from another universe"! What is going on? Will I die with no last words? I know...I'm a major hypochondriac, but that doesn't mean I actually get sick! *moan* And why doesn't the doctor's office take people on Saturday or Sunday here? What if I actually was dying?!!


I have to go and make a cup of tea. Hopefully it helps.


Caitlin Summers said...

Ok. I look back at this and think I might have been a bit over-dramatic....

The Flames said...

Lol, nothing wrong with being overdramatic.

Hey, thanks for your comment, by the way! I love when people read my blog.

Caitlin Summers said...


I was bored yesterday, so I decided to click around Blogger.

Thanks back! Especially since you're the first non-family member to see my blog this year....

The Flames said...

Lol, tell me about it. Two of my best friends are the only ones to see my blog, so I know how you feel.

And yes, the internet is a wonderful place for randomness. If you ever want to like, get in touch, my AIM is Retro Tin Canz.

Ooh, and have you ever read Pendragon? ^^

Caitlin Summers said...

No, but it's on my list. I'm guessing you think it's good...

The Flames said...

Pendragon is the only book that is as good as Maximum Ride, which is my absolute favorite book of all time.

*looks at profile* You've read the Great Tree of Avalon, by T.A. Barron? I thought I was the only one who knew it existed!! Have you read the Lost Years of Merlin series, as well? It's sort of a prologue to The Great Tree.

Oh, by the way, my name's Catie.

Caitlin Summers said...

*waves* Hello Catie!

Yeah, I've read almost all of those fantasy books. Except for Pendragon....which I'll probably be reading tomorrow after your great review.

Hmmm...I'm pretty sure I like everything on your profile but the volleyball and softball thing. Unfortunately, I have been given absolutely no athletic talent. Except for soccer, but I’m defense and don’t have to run, so that doesn’t really count.

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