Saturday, December 16, 2006


So, following up the concert thing, I'm going post some quotes from our band teacher. He really hates the drummers on our team. (The pull your hair and scream exasperated, kind of hate.)

It's mostly because if you look at the class troublemakers/attention seekers, they happen to be all drummers. Don't get me wrong, some of them are ok, or else band would be a total disaster! It's just that when our band teacher gets mad, he seems to take it out on them.

So...straight from the school band-room, some quotes from my band teacher to the drummers.

1) "Can't you even keep a beat? Just get a radio!"
2) "Why are you even in band?!"
3) "Have any of you even looked at your grades?!"
4) "To some of you I really want to show my nice side! But with some of the drummers, I just want to take them around to the back of the school and teach them a lesson!"

Hmmm...I'm sure there is more, but I can't think of any at the second. Oh yeah, there is the one he said to the parents on concert night...

5) "I don't think we could have anymore drummers....if you get your kid to switch to French Horn, I'll pay you!"

*looks at what was just written*

Oh no! I hope I don't sound too mean. I'm not trying to make my band teacher look bad or anything, I just thought his quotes would make a cool entry on the blog. I mean, he's not my favorite teacher on earth, but he isn't that bad.

So, I guess that wraps everything up. I'm make homemade dog biscuits. See ya!

(By the way, the dog biscuit thing is true...unfortunately...)


Caitlin Summers said...

I just showed this post to someone. They sighed. Not the best reaction I want someone to get after reading my thoughts...

Anonymous said...


I made dog biscuits! They were for Girl Scouts. Theres a post about them somewhere.

Anonymous said...


I made dog biscuits! They were for Girl Scouts. Theres a post about them somewhere.

Anonymous said...


I made homemade dog biscuits! They were for Girl Scouts. We donated them to the animal rescue league.

Hey, I think it's interesting! Our drummers can't keep a beat either. The jazz band drummers suck. Our band teacher almost didn't let them play at the concert. But he did. And the beat stayed steady. We need Austin Isenhoffer back. But he's in middle school. Maybe we'll be good next year.

Anonymous said...


I made homemade dog biscuits! They were for Girl Scouts. We donated them to the animal rescue league.

Hey, I think it's interesting! Our drummers can't keep a beat either. The jazz band drummers suck. Our band teacher almost
didn't let them play at the concert. But he did. And the beat stayed steady. We need Austin Isenhoffer back. But he's in middle school. Maybe we'll be good next year.

...why'd those other comments just come up now? I though they weren't working...

Anonymous said...

GAH! It's not working!

Anonymous said...

GAH! It's not working!

Caitlin Summers said...

Something is seriously wrong with this blog...

Cool about the Girl Scouts!

Ours were made for our neighbor who just got a new puppy as a Christmas gift.

They were in cat and dog bone shapes, and we drew stuff on them in food coloring markers.


Thanks for the comment!

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