Saturday, December 30, 2006


I think my previously cheerful attitude has jinked my health. I made it through Christmas and my B-day ok, but now I'll have to face New Years with a cold. Which, is horrible, since I go back to school in TWO DAYS. *faints*

(Also, I just found out that 20 of my post titles have exclamation marks in them, which is over half. Gosh, I hope my cheerful phase is over, and I can get back to my usual gloomy self. I think I'm ok, though. I made up a weird after-christmas carol today, to the tune of Christmas Gloria. It goes, "Christmas is over, and I'm depressed! Here comes the sorrow, and all the stress! I feel so gloomy, as the tree comes down! Christmas, come back to town!" I scaring you already?)

Well, I have to go and do "laundry duty," ick.

So long and farewells!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm lucky. I'm homeschooled. So no going back to school for me. And I'm kinda gloomy, too, most of the time. You know, I love Inkheart, Inkspell, the Theif Lord, Dragon Rider and Max Ride, too. I think I'm seein' some simalarities here.


P.S. Check out my new blog.

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