Saturday, December 30, 2006


I think my previously cheerful attitude has jinked my health. I made it through Christmas and my B-day ok, but now I'll have to face New Years with a cold. Which, is horrible, since I go back to school in TWO DAYS. *faints*

(Also, I just found out that 20 of my post titles have exclamation marks in them, which is over half. Gosh, I hope my cheerful phase is over, and I can get back to my usual gloomy self. I think I'm ok, though. I made up a weird after-christmas carol today, to the tune of Christmas Gloria. It goes, "Christmas is over, and I'm depressed! Here comes the sorrow, and all the stress! I feel so gloomy, as the tree comes down! Christmas, come back to town!" I scaring you already?)

Well, I have to go and do "laundry duty," ick.

So long and farewells!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Best Day EVER!!!

In first period, we went to the coffee house, (a fundraiser to raise money for the library) where I got to eat/drink some holiday themed stuff, watch people playing chess/checkers, and listen to some very sad Karaoke singers.

In the end I kind of just walked around with some of my friends and talked. Maybe I would have played checkers, or something, but the library was packed with people. The description of the food line was "so close, yet so far". Seriously, I was three feet away from delicious brownies, and the line was moving like snails! There were also raffles you could enter. I bought three tickets and put them toward some good prizes.

Then, after the coffee house, my whole team gathered together to watch "Elf", which was pretty fun, considering it's one of my favorite movies. After that was another trip to the coffeehouse, thanks to my Study Hall teacher. And then came "Home Alone", snacks, and finally....yes, another trip to the coffeehouse, for my third cup of hot chocolate.

At the end came the best part, considering that I'm almost never lucky.
That's right...I won a raffle!

I came home with 4 tickets to the Regal Cinema, and a gift card to Blockbuster. I call it my "before birthday present". Yup, my birthday is the day after Christmas. Not the best date if you don't like two days of presents in a row, but I've gotten used to it. Plus, I get two parties. One with my family on my birthday, and one with my friends in May.

I so happy, I'm so happy!!! Plus, the first day of break is tomorrow, and I can finally relax. So, I'm off to watch this cool movie I got from the library called "Christmas in the Clouds."
See ya!

P.S. (Whatever that really means...)
Sorry for the typos, but I think all of this sugar is affecting my brain!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Caroling, and Cookies

I 'm currently suffering from sugar overdose, due to the two cookies and cups of cocoa I had last night. Why? Because I went caroling with the rest of the school's Builders Club...

I was just going to skip the whole thing, since I'm not the most active member, but someone asked me if I was going, and in the end I decided to attend.

When I got there, I picked up the sheet of carols and looked around. No one was there.
Baaad sign. Soon, however, some people I knew arrived, and we got to practicing singing. It was kind of fun at first, but after we walked to this senior home, sang, and talked on the way there and back, I was having a great time!

Then, we arrived back at the school, we were presented with delicious sugar cookies smothered with creamy icing, and steaming cups of tounge-burning cocoa. (Sorry, I'm in descriptive mode, all of the sudden.) So...I'm feeling great.

I have to go! I'm getting ready for tomorrow, the last day of school before break, and the school Coffeehouse. (More details about the Coffee thing, tomorrow. All I'm saying is that it sounds really fun!)

Saturday, December 16, 2006


So, following up the concert thing, I'm going post some quotes from our band teacher. He really hates the drummers on our team. (The pull your hair and scream exasperated, kind of hate.)

It's mostly because if you look at the class troublemakers/attention seekers, they happen to be all drummers. Don't get me wrong, some of them are ok, or else band would be a total disaster! It's just that when our band teacher gets mad, he seems to take it out on them.

So...straight from the school band-room, some quotes from my band teacher to the drummers.

1) "Can't you even keep a beat? Just get a radio!"
2) "Why are you even in band?!"
3) "Have any of you even looked at your grades?!"
4) "To some of you I really want to show my nice side! But with some of the drummers, I just want to take them around to the back of the school and teach them a lesson!"

Hmmm...I'm sure there is more, but I can't think of any at the second. Oh yeah, there is the one he said to the parents on concert night...

5) "I don't think we could have anymore drummers....if you get your kid to switch to French Horn, I'll pay you!"

*looks at what was just written*

Oh no! I hope I don't sound too mean. I'm not trying to make my band teacher look bad or anything, I just thought his quotes would make a cool entry on the blog. I mean, he's not my favorite teacher on earth, but he isn't that bad.

So, I guess that wraps everything up. I'm make homemade dog biscuits. See ya!

(By the way, the dog biscuit thing is true...unfortunately...)

Friday, December 15, 2006

Brava! (I wish...)

Yeah, my band/choir concert was two days ago. So...I was nervous. I was really worried that I was going to screw up. I mean, I've only been playing the keyboard bass for two months!

And, not to change the subject, but what happened to the name of my instrument? During Summer Band it was called "Keyboard Tuba", and now all of a sudden everyone hits me with the "Keyboard Bass" thing. And my music still says "Tuba" in the corner! I play bass, or tuba? Is there a difference, or is everyone just trying to mess with my mind?!

Sorry, *calms down*. Now, back to the concert. I played ok. I got three songs, and the other player got two. That would have been great, if I didn't get the three songs I didn't like. But at least I didn't make major mistakes.

And the choir part was cool too, and everyone clapped when the concert was over, so in the end the experience was a thumbs up.

The only part I really hated was dressing up. I was dreading the afternoon where I had to put on that annoying blouse and dress pants. Hmm....well at least I was allowed to skip the dress pants. Instead I wore these ok-looking black cords.

So...I've got to stop writing. We're getting some ice cream from Coldstone as a celebration, yum!

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

By Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though;

He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near

Between the woods and frozen lake

The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.

The only other sound's the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

(This reminds me of the woods near our house. They were breathtaking the other day, coated in white wonder. When I was outside, I remembered this, and decided to post it.)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Christmas Mania

My house is holiday packed...

-Outside we have luminarias lining the sidewalk, two mechanical deer near the flowers, and bushes and trees covered in lights. Our door is lined with a garland of fresh greens and grape lights, with a wreath in the middle.

-Inside we have two Christmas trees, already hung stockings, 5 nativity scenes, a stack of holiday CD's, and little figurine thingys.

-In the backyard our mini Gazebo is covered in icicle lights, and there are even more luminarias.

...and it's not even December yet.

Our whole family loves Christmas. Me especially, being born the day after. There's just something about it that makes me happy. Which is saying a lot, as some of my friends criticize me for "always frowning". that the delicous smell of dinner wafting up my nose? I guess I've got to go....

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy (late) Turkey Day!

Yes. I know Thanksgiving was five days ago! I think the combination of no school and tryptophan caused me to be in an un-bloggish mood. Who knows?

So, my Thanksgiving was cool. I watched the Macy's Day Parade, and ate a great lunch with my family. Then for dinner I ate leftover cranberry sauce, (my fav), and a turkey-dog. Weird that even when I was sick of turkey, I still ate turkey. Only in a different form. It's like you have to eat Turkey on Thanksgiving, "or else". Hmmm...

Sorry, I'm just rambling on and on and on and on.

So, see ya!

*cue the end of this post*

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Anger Level: 100

I had this whole long post all written out, when my computer died! *scowls at screen* What is wrong with this laptop! Urgh. If it didn't cost so much...I'd...throw it out the window!

Ok. Time to relax. Get some tea...count to ten...that sort of junk.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mwa Ha Ha, Ha Ha Mwa!

Ok. Ignore the random title...

This morning, I went "piano shopping" to this piano guy's house. He had, like, 10 pianos laying around and a bunch he was working on. It was really weird. So, I banged around on them for an hour, and played some of my songs. By the end my clothes were covered in soot, a good excuse for what was coming next....real shopping.

We went to Kohl's, in the shopping center near town. Surprisingly, I had a good time, and got 3 sweaters, 2 pairs of jeans, and some shirts. It was nice, especially since I've been wearing the same stuff for the last few months.

I also wanted to get this cool fuzzy scarf...but I decided not to. I discovered an orange one in my closet last week. I being shallow? Hope not. Anyways, I have to go and ponder world peace. See ya later!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I'm Still Alive!

I survived yesterday, thank goodness. But now I'm convinced I have an ear infection...ugh. Mom offered to take me to the doctor after school tomorrow, and I graciously accepted. She was just going to let me stay home, or go during school...but with tomorrow being the only day we have school this week, my teachers actually planned something fun. I have "free cook" in Home Ec, and my group is baking pasta, with garlic breadsticks, yum! And my teachers, (who also think going to school on Monday is a waste of time), are crowding my whole team together to watch a movie. Me...miss the one day of school that might actually be fun? No way!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Play thee funeral march....

It's a good thing I have blogging, or else no one would know what I'm saying for the rest of my life! My voice is so hoarse, I think an actual "horse" could communicate better than me. I was horrible in choir the other day, and even though I'm an alto, I couldn't hit the notes. I also had to repeat myself a zillion times yesterday, even to my friends, who can usually understand my babblings. Urgh. My voice is half whisper, half "monster from another universe"! What is going on? Will I die with no last words? I know...I'm a major hypochondriac, but that doesn't mean I actually get sick! *moan* And why doesn't the doctor's office take people on Saturday or Sunday here? What if I actually was dying?!!


I have to go and make a cup of tea. Hopefully it helps.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Emmett and Cheryl won, woohoo! *claps enthusiastically*

Hmm...time to to go to bed and catch some zzz's. See ya!

I'm waiting....

Who will win? Emmet or Mario? Only a few minutes until we find out!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Pumpkin Pictures

Guess which is mine?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Candy, candy, CANDY!

Yum! Halloween isn't my favorite holiday, but it sure is nice to get a bunch of candy without paying for it. I dressed up as the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz and Wicked. I haven't actually seen the musical Wicked, but I've viewed a couple of pictures online, and I think at one point Elphaba (the wicked witch) wears glasses, so I had an excuse to wear mine and not be totally blind!

Apparently, while I was out, my dad went a little over board with the costume thing. He dressed up as Willy Wonka from the new movie remake, with a hat, wig, black coat, cane, and goggles. He even downloaded a song from the movie and played it on his I-pod when trick-or-treaters arrived. Apparently, he was more scary than funny. When one little kid saw him, he burst out crying, and a cute, 5-year old girl said, "You're pretty scary!" Poor dad.....

Well. That's about a wrap. I went out trick-or-treating for a couple of hours with some friends, while things got a little freaky back at home. Halloween...All Hallows Eve...I guess it's over!

Saturday, October 21, 2006


I just got this package in the mail from my old school in Oregon. It was full of my old papers, and stuff. I looked through the whole thing with confusion. There was no note explaining what this was, or why they were sending it. And the strangest thing was, my mom and I had sent two thank-you notes for the nice going away party they planned, and they were in the letter...opened. In my letter, I think I mentioned "write back soon" or something. But still, until now, I've never gotten anything from the school, teachers, or classmates. The whole thing, (though it's not that scary), sends some shivers through my spine.

Clowning Around...

My sister's going to be a clown for halloween. She has a red nose and everything. Me, on the other hand...I'm going with a classic. I mean, who doesn't like witches? I've decided to dress up as Elphaba, from Wicked, or the "Wicked Witch of the West." I even bought green face paint and everything. I don't really think I'll go trick-or-treating, unless one of my friends invites me though. So far, my goal this Halloween is to scare everyone away so I can get all the candy....mwahaha! Yes, I know, a bit selfish, but we're giving out Resses and Milkyways! Who doesn't love Reeses and Milkyways?!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What's up with all the tests?

I mean, I had a science test last thursday, a social studies test today, and a math test tommorow. What is it with tests these days? I always have a quiz, or a test, or something I have to study for at least once a week!

(By the way, I got a 100 on the science test! I guess studying with the i-pod on really works!)

Thursday, October 05, 2006


I have two words for you:

Science Test.

It may not seem so scary to you, but I got dizzy just looking at the study guide! I just know I'm going to fail, and ruin my A average.

Monday, August 28, 2006


The first day of school is tomorrow.......well yahoo.

I like school and all, but with it comes pressure as big as an elephant, and people as mean as tigers. And trust me, after reading Life of Pi this summer, I do not want to associate with tigers.

Alas, unfortunately I have no choice but to attend school and suffer through the pain. The tigers, the bears, and the lions will have to be defeated, cause apparently my parents aren't qualified to homeschool me.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Trip Photos!

Yes, here are some photos from the trip. Although I cannot show you pictures that involve myself, (I do not believe in sharing personal info on the net), I can show landmarks and some paintings from the museums. This page is only London Pics. I'll post some more from Paris and Nice later.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

It's 9:00 on Sunday Night

I'm bored. My sister is watching TV upstairs, my dad has disappeared to do who knows what, and my mom is rushing around doing stuff for my grandparents 50th aniversiary celebration. That leaves me in a deserted living room/kitchen with my faithful lap-top. I would watch TV, but it's Sunday night and everyone knows there is nothing but reruns on Sunday night. Gosh I'm bored, all I can write about is boredom, TV reruns and Sunday night. How boring is that? I apologize to anyone that has collapsed and fallen asleep on their computer while reading this. I also hope you have no nightmares of TV reruns and boring Sunday nights.

*looks around*

Nothing in this room seems to be alive but me. The dogs are sleeping and everything is silent. Too silent. If someone jumps out of the shadows with a gun right now, I won't be surprized.

People jumping out of the's not very good, but it's better than bordom on Sunday night and TV reruns. Again I repeat myself to say that I am very sorry to anyone reading this. Of course, by now you won't know that because you will be asleep with boredom.

I scream, you scream...

Before I talked briefly about my European adventure. Now I'll put some detail on a great story from France:

My favorite moment was in Paris, when the French team won the World Cup game against former champion Brazil. My family was walking innocently down the streets of Paris, thinking that the French team had lost, or were losing. To our surprise, when we came to a bar at the corner of the street, it was packed to the sidewalk and the France fan's eyes were glued seriously to the TV. The score was still zero to zero! After a few minutes of observation, (although we wanted to stay and watch) we continued to walk on down the streets, occasionally passing another packed bar or resturaunt. Still the score just remained annoyingly the same. Suddenly, out of the blue I heard an uproar of cheers. We raced to the place we had just passed, along with some other people who had heard the noise and were interested. I looked at the television with excitement: the French team had scored!!! Cheers of France's national anthem poured into my ears, in bold words that I couldn't understand, though their meaning was still clear. They had a chance to win! We raced back, excited, to our hotel-room to watch the game and waited until there was only 10-20 minutes left on the clock. My parents had planned on a late night picnic that day, and we decided to find a local place to watch the last moments of the game, thinking that after the French won we would saunter down to the nearby park for some celebration. Of course, I was quivering with nervousness while we traveled through the streets. It would be cool to be in Paris, (France's main city) when the team beat beat Brazil, and my dad assured me that with little time left in the game, France would triumph. Still, I hated to be that sure, and was frittering away at every little groan of nearby fans. What if we were wrong? Was that Brazil scoring, or just a minor call? Finally we reached a place to watch the game. Joining the crowd, I watched, resisting the urge to bite my nails as time wound down. Soon it was three minutes left, then two, then one. Suddenly the people around me burst into vibrant rounds of noise. They had won! France, the underdog, had won against Brazil! I pushed my fears aside easily, my sense of excitement screaming as much as the fans. It would be a interesting night of celebration....

As we walked to the park that night, people came bursting from the doors of houses, screaming with excitement and shouting to their friends. Even after we had settled down in our favorite park near the Eiffel Tower, a parade of people came down a nearby street waving flags and celebrating. I didn't know what was more satisfying, the delicious chocolate flan and baguette on my plate, or the chattering of proud citizens.

That night, it was impossible to leave the windows open and still sleep, the honks of cars and cheers piercing the normal quiet. Turning on the TV, I noted that we was lucky we weren't staying in a hotel near the Champs-Elysees. The fan crowds around the Arc de Triomphe were so massive they had stopped traffic.

Not wanting the night to end, I opened up the window one last time and shouted "Vive le France!" Which, according to my mother means "long live France." Smiling, I shut it and went to sleep, the best night of sleep I had in Paris, I note proudly. Apparently, excitement wears a girl down.

Even now, the remembrance of that night remains a blossom of happiness in mind, and the chants of the Parisans are still fresh in my ears. It might not be as exciting as some of your trip memories, but for me it is equivalent to climbing the Himalayas.

Monday, July 03, 2006


Bonjour Mon Ami! I write to you now from Nice, France in the middle of our trip. We get back in two days after 9 days of touring London, Paris, and Nice. London was my favorite place, full of parks, museums, old buildings, but modern things too! I love that there's a glass tower next to a 200 year old statue, and you can quickly take a bus from traditional Parliment to the busy scene of Picidilly Circus. Every meal on our trip had been delicous. For breakfast: crossiants, baguettes and pastieries in Paris, jellied toast and hot chocolate in London, and even more sweet delights in Nice. Nice has been my favorite place for food, cause' of all the Italian influence. I love meals of pasta and pizza, yum!
3 weeks after getting back....

Sorry I haven't posted this, I just made it a draft in Nice, and I forgot about it. Again...sorry!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sorry Folks!

Yes, by now you probally think I've disappeared or something, been kidnapped. I just haven't been my usual blogging self through the move, (you did hear I was moving, right?). We had to sell the house, clean, pack, clean some more, move into a hotel, fly to the new state, stay in another hotel, go to the new house, unload, unpack, and finally: we're moved in! During that long and tiring process I just didn't feel like writing or posting anything.

So, goodbye annoyed bloggers, I have to get back to a long game of Karaoke Revolution,

See ya!

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